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Empowering the Education of Future Teachers

Students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences experienced a week full of learning, inspiration, and networking during their Seventeenth Academic Week, held by the Sonora Institute of Technology (ITSON) through the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities on March 12, 13, and 14, 2024.

In his address, Dr. Jaime Garatuza Payán, Academic Vice-Rector, highlighted ITSON as a university of excellence, which has grown in quality and solidified its status as the premier institution. He commended the young people for choosing this career, which carries a significant commitment and impact on society, stating, “You face a great challenge; the future of society in any country is education, and the foundation of education are educators, and that’s where you have a great challenge.”

Dr. Sonia Verónica Mortis Lozoya, Director of Social Sciences and Humanities, emphasized that this event is a platform for educational expression, showcasing the training and innovation of education professionals, and establishing cooperation links with the development of the university community and society at large. The goal is for students to acquire new knowledge and strengthen what they have learned in class and throughout the semester.

The academic event featured a comprehensive program of workshops on March 12, including “Basic course on learning styles,” “Temporal perspective and happiness: university women,” “Human strengths,” “Strategies for educational inclusion in the classroom,” “Strategies for attending to students with autism and other learning barriers,” “Agile methodology and SCRUM,” “Cognitive restructuring: a technique for change,” and “Education 4.0: a practical course on designing resources with artificial intelligence.”

On Wednesday, March 13, the event offered the keynote lecture “Use of learning styles in various educational researches,” an Alumni Panel, and the Promotion Stand for Inclusive Education, aimed at raising awareness of the diversity present in each educational setting to favor inclusive practices as future educators. Additionally, awards were presented to the top-performing LCE students.

The Academic Week concluded on Friday, March 14, with lectures on “The use of artificial intelligence in teaching,” “Image, protocol, and discourse,” “Creating spaces of resilience: yoga for children,” and the workshop “Effective use of ChatGPT in teaching.”